installatie 'the convernations', 2017 

The convernations project highlights the importance of talking to each other in the world. The title links together ‘conversation’ and ‘nation’ in a single word. Convernations points to the struggle for a world which is free of conflicts and in which dialogue is key. To symbolize this a flag was designed in the form of three circles. Each circle contains 65 small white speech bubbles pointing to the center. The center suggests the universal idea of peace. Just as the European Union flag shows solidarity among member states, the 195 white speech balloons represent the connections between the 195 nations, countries and states of our world. The color green signifies hope where as the white color indicates sincerity. The implicit idea of the flag is that it will travel through all of these nations, countries and states.
intervention at the venice biennale | the convernations, 2017: The convernations project highlights the importance of talking to each other in the world. The title links together ‘conversation’ and ‘nation’ in a single word. Convernations points to the struggle for a world which is free of conflicts and in which dialogue is key. To symbolize this a flag was designed in the form of three circles. Each circle contains 65 small white speech bubbles pointing to the center. The center suggests the universal idea of peace. Just as the European Union flag shows solidarity among member states, the 195 white speech balloons represent the connections between the 195 nations, countries and states of our world. The color green signifies hope where as the white color indicates sincerity. The implicit idea of the flag is that it will travel through all of these nations, countries and states.

intervention at the venice biennale | the convernations, 2017 

intervention at the venice biennale | the convernations, 2017 

intervention in venice | the convernations, 2017